From the Presbyterian Publishing House to the United Publishing House:

The Presbyterian Response to the Cincinnati Plan (1885-1930)




Presbyterians Missions, United Publishing House, Presbyterian Publishing House, Cincinnati Plan, Methodists Missions, The Christian World


From History, it is about studying the editorial defense made by Presbyterian pastors, especially Mexicans, against the “imposition” of Casa Unida de Publicaciones, which was the publishing company founded in 1919 based on cooperation between the various denominations. evangelical companies established in Mexico, which led to the closure of Casa Presbiteriana de Publicaciones, a publishing house formed in 1885. For this to happen, at first the North American missionaries working in Mexico met in Cincinnati (1914), to listen to the CCLA proposal, this in the midst of an economic crisis generated by the civil war and the “invasion” of North American soldiers to our country; In the second stage, two evangelical meetings took place (1917 and 1919) where Mexican pastors and missionaries from all the missions sat down to discuss the viability of the Cincinnati Plan, arranging to accept both the new company and its newspaper. Discontent grew among a group of Presbyterians when they saw their organizations, churches and companies in the hands of other denominations, so they began to plan the “recovery” and the determination of a “national” and “Presbyterian” church, in such a way that A discourse and several actions were generated, which could be defined, of strong intolerance towards the “others”, since it is clear that Casa Unida de Publicaciones was not the same as Casa Presbiteriana de Publicaciones, despite the strong dependence that they subsequently assumed.


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Author Biography

  • Gerson Trejo, Universidad Autónoma de México – Iztapalapa

    Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Autónoma de México Iztapalapa. Autor del libro Casa Unida de Publicaciones, más de 100 años de historia de una editorial evangélica de “buenos libros” (2020, CUPSA Ed). Pastor de la Iglesia Metodista. Estudiante de teología en el Seminario Gonzalo-Báez Camargo. Profesor de Seminario Palabra de Sabiduría.


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Piedra Solano, Arturo. (1993) Latin American Protestantism From the Neglected Continent to the Continent of Opportunity: An Assessment of the Justification for Protestant Expansion in Latin America, 1894-1960. Facultad de Teología de la Universidad de Edimburgo.

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Sinclair, J. H. (Primavera de 1997). The Dawn of Ecumenism in Latin America: Robert E. Speer Presbyterians, and the Panama Conference of 1916. The Journal of Presbyterian History, 77(1), 1-11.

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How to Cite

From the Presbyterian Publishing House to the United Publishing House:: The Presbyterian Response to the Cincinnati Plan (1885-1930). (2023). Revista Protesta Y Carisma, 3(6).

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